St Patrick's Church of England School

St Patrick'sChurch of England School

Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other

Spoken language


We want all children to develop a love of language. Early Language Development is integral to our approach to English in the EYFS and in Years 1- 6. We aim to develop our children’s ability to use spoken language to communicate effectively – to listen and speak both in and for a wide range of contexts, purpose and audiences. We prioritise developing their oracy skills and we believe that children need to speak it in order to write it, therefore children are constantly encouraged to articulate their sentences before beginning to write them down. The focus on oracy continues as children progress through the school with strategies used across the curriculum, throughout the school. In the early years, through promoting a love of storytelling and books, as well as facilitating high quality adult interactions, we provide children with the opportunities to explore language and vocabulary in a range of contexts. Children are encouraged to use their enriched knowledge of words and take this back into their play and learning.


Opportunities for spoken language are planned in English and across the curriculum. We use the document Key Learning in Spoken Language to support this planning. Also, our teaching sequences used in the Power of Reading, provide many opportunities to practise the skills of listening, understanding, speaking, vocabulary and participating, presenting and performing. Approaches such as role on the wall, discussion of personal experiences, continuous provision, role play, drama, visualisation, partner work, circle time, artwork, debate and discussion help to embed and enrich vocabulary.

Talking is explicitly modelled  in different areas of the curriculum and we  prioritise quality interactions modelling how to talk with other people.

With our cross-curricular approach, there are many opportunities to listen to, practise and embed new vocabulary. 



Children will be able to express issues and ideas, speak clearly, listen carefully, contribute to discussions, respond to questions and comments and use a wide and interesting vocabulary. When children explore learning through oracy and are exposed to new vocabulary, they retain this knowledge. This leads to children using higher level language with a deeper understanding when presenting or writing. The quality of spoken language is evaluated using evidence of progress in discussion work across the curriculum, sustained learning, confidence in performing and presenting to their peers and to a wider audience and knowledge of a wider range of vocabulary when speaking and then writing for different purposes.

Key Learning in Spoken Language
