St Patrick's Church of England School

St Patrick'sChurch of England School

Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

This is where you will find useful information for Year 3 and 4 children including homework, topic plans and websites.


Parent information letter September 2024 for Class 3

Autumn Term Topic Plan for Class 3 Parents

Stone Age to Iron Age Workshop

Stone Age to Iron Age Workshop

We had a great time learning about life in the Stone Age and into the Bronze and Iron Age. We made a timeline with objects to help our understanding of this time in history. We made stone axes and copper art. We ground stones with water to make rock paint and created paintings based on cave paintings. We were also excited to find out how to make fire! It was a really exciting day!

Class books used in Literacy lessons in the Autumn Term



Useful Websites
