St Patrick's Church of England School

St Patrick'sChurch of England School

Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other


Maths Homework


Set on a Friday to be completed by Thursday the following week. 


Children who have not completed it will be asked to stay in at breaktimes to complete their homework.


A post will be put on Google Classroom each week explaining what needs to be done.


Usually, homework will be:

Times Table Rockstars (20 minutes worth of games to be played).


Mathletics (between 3 and 5 tasks each week).

Your child will know which of these 2 online platforms they have been asked to use. Use the links below to get to access them. 


Please check this page at the beginning of each half term, as homework expectations may change. I am currently looking into a different online platform to use as Prodigy is not working too well as homework. 

