St Patrick's Church of England School

St Patrick'sChurch of England School

Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1!


This page is for parents and children in class 1. This is where you will find out what class 1 have been learning about, key information about routines, and links to useful websites.

New Reception Letter for Parents Autumn 2024

Class 1 Planning Spring Planning 2025

Class 1 had a wonderful time on their Summer trip. We visited The World of Beatrix Potter, where the children learnt about Beatrix Potter and all the animals in the stories. The children were very excited to go on a boat trip to Brockhole, where we had our picnics and had great fun playing on the adventure playground. We had a great time!

The children have been enjoying the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. They all created a story map of their own and then used them to retell the story to the rest of the class. They all showed some amazing expression, voices and acting when telling the story. 

The Imagining History team visited Class 1 and Pre School for a Florence Nightingale workshop. We did lots of drama activities to help us imagine what it was like for nurses and patients all those years ago. It helped the children understand what Florence Nightingale did to change hospitals and nursing to make it what it is today. It was great fun!

Class 1 have been getting the planter ready to grow vegetables. They have now planted some seeds and can’t wait to watch the vegetables start to grow. 

Class 1 enjoyed a fabulous forest school session. They all explored, created and learnt new skills. They all had a great time!

Spring Term 2024

These are the books Class 1 are enjoying this term.

Safer Internet Day

The children learnt about how to stay safe using the internet. In groups they produced a poster showing children how to stay safe on the internet.

The reception children have been learning about pairs, and odd and even numbers in maths. They were finding different ways to make pairs, and learning that pairs make an even number and if they have a spare object it makes an odd number.

In our maths lessons the Year 1 children have been learning about addition by counting on within 20 using number lines. The children used the outdoor area to embed the maths skills they had learnt earlier in the week, by using a large number line on the playground.

For our topic on Africa the children have been learning about Kenya, and they built some mud huts in the outdoor area using natural materials.

The children enjoyed the snow day we had. They had great fun making snowmen and snowballs ☃️❄️


Autumn Term 2023

These are the books Class 1 are enjoying in their Literacy lessons.

The Reception children have worked together to collage a castle 🏰

The children have been designing and building in the construction area. Look at what they built!

The reception children have been doing super maths work. The children have been counting objects using 1:1 correspodamce and they have been working on the composition of numbers up to 5. They used sorting bears and shells to help with their maths work.

We have been developing our weaving skills using paper and other materials this term. Weaving is not an easy skill and the children have shown perservernce and determination when doing these activities.

We had a fantastic time on Times Table Rock Stars Day. Class 1 were great on the stage showing the rest of the school their amazing rock star outfits.

Class 1 had a wonderful time at Leighton Moss Nature Reserve in Silverdale. We had beautiful weather to view the birds from the viewing platform and bird hides. We saw so many different kinds of birds such as swans, ducks, gulls and robins. We also enjoyed discovering mini beasts, finding spiders, worms, wood lice, millipedes and caterpillars. We had a great time!

The Imagining History team visited Class 1 for a Castles workshop. We learnt all about the different parts of a castle and built our own castle using ourselves. We did lots of drama pretending to be knights and fighting the enemies. It was great fun!

In Literacy Class 1 have been reading the story ‘Zog’. The children worked in small groups to act out the story in front of the rest of the class. They all showed confidence and used their imaginations to retell the story.

During Wellie Wednesday all the children loved splashing in the puddles and getting wet!

In PE lessons the children have been combining different movements with ease and fluency, also developing their overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination and agility. 

Here are some useful websites for you to use at home to practise key skills.
