St Patrick'sChurch of England School
Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other
Welcome to Class 2!
This page is for parents and children in class 2. This is where you will find out what class 2 have been learning about, key information about routines and homework, and links to important websites.
Speed storytelling
The children were tasked with re-imagining the story 'Toby and The Great Fire of London'. Adding their own innovations and coming up with creative ideas, the children mapped their story on whiteboards. At the end of the lesson, they took turns listening to the different stories created in class.
Global Citizen
Class 2 discussed what it means to be a global citizen. They chose words and pictures that represent their thoughts and expressed them using chalk on the playground.
Mola Art sheep collage
Class 2 did a fantastic job of creating collage sheep for the Westmorland County Show. The style is inspired by Mola Art from the San Blas islands in Panama.