St Patrick's Church of England School

St Patrick'sChurch of England School

Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!

This page is for parents and children in class 2. This is where you will find out what class 2 have been learning about, key information about routines and homework, and links to important websites. 

Information letter for parents

Class 2 Planning Autumn 2024




Autumn term class books



Making bird feeders


Class 2 discussed the different seasons, including how birds might source food during winter. We talked about how the frozen grounds make it difficult for birds to forage. The children made bird feeders using pine cones, butter, suets, bird seeds and meal worms. We also spread suet pellets on the grass for larger birds, such as blackbirds, to forage. Hopefully, we will be able to lots of different birds during bird watch week.  





The children are learning how to write non-chronological reports. They have conducted their own research into the Great fire of London using books from the Cumbria county council library. They have enjoyed looking at secondary resources for History.  



Digital art 


Class 2 created art work using technology. They expressed they creativity through computing and produced some lovely, colourful pictures.



Trip to Blackpool Zoo  


Class 2 had an amazing time at the zoo! We saw a variety of animals and discussed how their needs for survival are being met. We were lucky enough to catch the sea lion show where we learnt all about charitable organisations that work with Blackpool zoo. 



Speed storytelling  


The children were tasked with re-imagining the story 'Toby and The Great Fire of London'. Adding their own innovations and coming up with creative ideas, the children mapped their story on whiteboards. At the end of the lesson, they took turns listening to the different stories created in class. 



Global Citizen


Class 2 discussed what it means to be a global citizen. They chose words and pictures that represent their thoughts and expressed them using chalk on the playground. 



Mola Art sheep collage


Class 2 did a fantastic job of creating collage sheep for the Westmorland County Show. The style is inspired by Mola Art from the San Blas islands in Panama. 
