St Patrick'sChurch of England School
Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other
Spelling Homework
Every week your child will have spellings to practise. They will have a special spelling book to practise in. Please practise these spellings with your child using the Look, say, cover, write check approach. Ask your child to have two tries at these spellings. Please return the spelling book by Wednesday every week. Spellings will be handed out every Friday. Except for the first week your child will have spellings to learn the spelling pattern covered that week and the previous week’s spellings to consolidate.
In addition children will have a half-termly spelling list of common exception words that have irregular spelling patterns and are taken from the National Curriculum word list for Year 3 and 4. Please practise the spellings during the half term and I will test their knowledge of these words at the end of each half term.