St Patrick's Church of England School

St Patrick'sChurch of England School

Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other


Reading Homework


Set on a Friday to be completed by the following Thursday.


If they have not completed it by Thursday, they will be asked to use their break times to complete it.


Instead of completing traditional reading records, they will have to complete a quick reading response task each week on the online platform ‘Padlet’. The link to these tasks will be put onto Google Classroom for them to access. It is very simple to use and most of them had the opportunity to try out ‘Padlet’ during our transition morning, so they will be able to do this independently as long as they have access to a device.



Your child will bring home a school reading book to read at home but which should be returned to their school bag so they have it in school each day.


Regular reading is essential to build the fluency, reading speed and understanding required to achieve end of KS2 expectations. Whatever the ability of your child, shared reading continues to be an enjoyable activity, as does hearing a book read to them that is too difficult for them to read independently.

Talk to your child about the book they are reading.


Before your child reads a book, ask:

  • Why did you select this book?
  • What makes you think this book is going to be interesting?
  • What do you think the book is going to be about?
  • Does this book remind you of anything else you’ve already read or seen?
  • What kind of characters do you think will be in the book?
  • What do you think is going to happen?

While your child is reading a book, try asking:

  • Will you catch me up on the story? What’s happened so far?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • If you were that character, what would you have done differently in that situation?
  • If the book was a TV show, which actors would you cast in it?
  • Where is the book set?
  • If the main character in that story lived next door, would you be friends?
  • What does the place look like in your head as you read? Would you want to visit there?
  • Did you learn any new words or facts so far?

After your child has finished a book, ask questions like:

  • What was your favorite part of the book? Why?
  • Who was your favorite character? Why?
  • What was the most interesting thing you learned from the book?
  • Why do you think the author wrote this book?
  • Would you have ended the book differently? Did it end the way you thought it would?
  • Did the problem of the book’s plot get solved?
  • If you could change one thing in the book, what would it be?