St Patrick'sChurch of England School
Learning Together, Growing Together, Supporting Each Other
If your child is away from school for any reason, please contact us by telephone before 9 am or as soon as possible and forward a letter explaining the reason for his/her absence on his/her return to school. This is especially important if your child is absent with an infectious disease. There are strict regulations regarding registration in school and any unauthorised absences are treated as truancy and may lead to further investigation by the Educational Welfare Officer. If there is any doubt about your child being fit for school, we ask that you exercise careful judgement, bearing in mind the welfare of the other pupils and the limited facilities we have in school for attending to a sick child.
Holidays in Term Time
Statutory guidance requires the school not to grant absence for holidays during school time except for exceptional circumstances.
Diarrhoea & Vomiting : if your child is unfortunate enough to suffer from either of these symptoms your child must remain at home for 48 hours from the last bout of illness.